Sunday 4 December 2011

Fav reads of 2011

Reading through the Globe&Mail's top books of 2011 is a daunting task. I feel like I have unfinished homework and I'm a procrastinating slacker. If only I didn't have to work and raise kids I could read all those lovely Canadian literary masterpieces. Maybe over the Christmas holidays when I sit down for a few minutes, if I can prop my eyes open after the turkey feast, I will tuck into some more.

I have only read two on their list - The Antagonist and the Sisters Brothers. I have a few more on hold at the library - Monoceros, The Cat's Table, and Better Living through Plastic Explosives. And now I have a few to add to my list that Santa can buy me - The Guardians, Don't be Afraid, and Every Time We Say Goodbye. Please tell my husband I want these, and to dust off his red velvet suit!

If I were to add one to this mostly comprehensive list of must reads, it'd definitely be The Woefield Poultry Collective by Susan Juby. Not just because she has a great first name, that in Hebrew means lily. But, mostly because it's funny and poignant and ultimately entertaining.

What was on your best of 2011 reading list?


  1. Although it wasn't published this year, I read The Help and it was probably one of the best books I've ever read. I actually want to read it again and that rarely happens. I have the Sisters Brothers so hope to get to that one soon.

  2. If we're talking non Canadians then I loved Girls in White Dresses, short stories out of the States and novel by David Nicholls (UK) called One Day. Think One Day is now a movie, but always wonder if they can do it justice on film.
