Thursday, 17 May 2012

Sick Day

My oldest son woke with a sore throat and hot forehead, so I slouched out of my work clothes and into stay-at-home attire, called the office, gave him drugs and put him back to bed before driving my younger son to school.

My patient slept for four hours so I edited my novel, I journalled, I even sent out a query I've been avoiding for months. My son rose at noon. We had soup and crackers together then he felt well enough to kill aliens and zombies from the safety of the couch, so I gave him more drugs (after telling him 'just say no to drugs') and retreated back to my office. I am guilty of enjoying my son's sick day, of actually having a productive fulfilling time while he sucked on lozenges and wondered what his friends were doing without him.

The dog enjoyed it too, since he got not one but two runs today. Here's Bear at the park afte we abandoned my son at home for a while. The snow turned to rain, then the sun came out and I cleaned up the backyard. The grass is green and thick, almost too long to cut now with the mower. Then I picked dandelions for the guinea girls who love the sweet yellow taste of spring.

I did my Jacquie Warner video so for sure tomorrow I will have 6-pack abs (or I want my money back). Although I did eat a DQ icecream sandwich after lunch so I'm pretty sure that cancels out any good the exercise might've done. But, my son needed me and icecream made him feel better, and I didn't want him to have to suffer alone, or feel self-conscious for pigging out with me watching so I joined in. I may just win mother of the year.

After all day lounging, my son felt better, so we went to pick up his younger brother from school. They got slurpees because those make everything better. Now it's dinner (Taco time) and then we have soccer.

The son with the cold feels well enough to play so I've done something right. And I feel like I've had a day well spent, at home, with my son and just doing what I like best.

Back to work tomorrow, just in time for the long weekend and more mental health time to come.

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