Thursday, 8 March 2012

International Women's Day - let's party

On International Women's Day I've decided to enjoy being a chick. Not that I don't every other day of the week, but sometimes when I'm knee deep in dishes or groceries or other unpaid forms of labour I do wonder if it shouldn't be called something else like International Schmuck's Day.
But then I look at my kids and think that I was lucky enough to have them. I wake up next to my husband and think he's pretty cute and he likes women so I'm a shoo in. Then I come to work in a still male-dominated industry and I enjoy my job and make ok money, but there have been times when being a woman was definitely a liability. It's amazing how many old school chauvinists are still alive and well in Canada. Plus, if I turn the TV on the amount of T&A reinforces my suspicion that society may just view me as a piece of meat until I'm of a 'certain age' and then I'm invisible.
That said I am thankful to be a woman in Canada and not in a country where being a second class citizen is ingrained in the law and social mores of the society. I do own property, and I do make my own living plus I'm allowed to vote. Yay for me! Let's work together to roll those basic human rights out to the rest of the world. I believe that socieities where women are cherished and their voices heard have both the head and heart to drive economic and social growth without leaving anyone behind.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day and think about the fact that there is not International Men's Day likely because they don't need one. I do like men, but I don't want to be one ;)

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